Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Etsy shop now open!

I'm so excited to announce that I have opened up an Etsy shop! Etsy is a website allows small businesses  (like me) that make handmade items to sell their products online. Please make sure you visit my site and tell all of your friends and family about it. You can find it here. I only have a couple of items listed right now, but I will be uploading more and more everyday. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New items

I know it's been a while since I have update my blog so here is some of the newest items I have created this summer!
matching boys sets
tie onesies
halloween sets
tutu sets
carseat canopy
reverse canopy
green and brown diaper cake
pink and brown hair accessories cake
ruffle bum onesie
front of ruffle bum
winter onesies
wipes case and pacifier clip
zebra bow (photo courtesy of Jen Swedhin Photography)

Ruffle bum cover and bow (photo courtesy of Jen Swedhin Photography)

Flower petal bum cover and hat (photo courtesy of Jen Swedhin Photography)

Make sure to check my Facebook page for all of my latest creations! Thank you all for your support